Earth Day - How to Protect the Planet


Since the recent pandemic hit, some believe that it has been a message or a sign about the way we treat the planet, a reason to slow down, re-think and re establish the way we do, what we do. Because of that, we decided to come up with some ways in which you can look after the planet and be a little more compassionate towards mother nature. Do you practise any of these tips already?

Live by the 3 “R”s

Recycling is so so so important, as waste has huge a huge impact on our natural environment. Through landfills, harmful chemicals and greenhouse gasses are released, and by recycling you help reduce the pollution caused by waste. Recycling also reduces the need for raw materials so that rainforests can be reserved. Follow the three 'R’s - Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.


Spend some time researching places where you locally volunteer. For example, f you live by a beach, sign up for a local beach clean up. You could also get involved in protecting your watershed, too.

Conserve water

Being more careful about your water consumption is a really easy way to significantly help the planet. Fresh clean water is obviously a limited resource, as well as being a costly one. The less water you use, the less runoff and wastewater that eventually end up in the ocean.

Buy less

One way to reduce your carbon footprint is by buying less of everything. Try getting into some DIY projects, you’ll also find that you will save some money and probably be more satisfied with the end product knowing that not only did you make it, but you really helped save the planet by that small move and decision.

Don't use disposable items

Our society is very much ‘grab-and-go’, or finding a way to get something done in the quickest, most convent way. But, unfortunately these are all rubbish. Try and make an effort to only use items you can use again - for instance, reducing your use of single use plastic…how about investing in bamboo cutlery, a stylish reusable water bottle, or a fancy reusable coffee cup. Not only will you save money this way, but most coffee shops give you discount when you take in your reusable cup!

Bike more or Carpool

If you can, riding your bike to work, the shop, or your friends house is a great way to get fit, and another great way to reduce your carbon footprint. Or, if you don’t fancy that, how about Car Pooling - this can obviously only happen once this pandemic is over, but the more friends you do it with, the better it is for the environment.

Opt out of paper mail

Everything is available online in this day and age. Do you still get bills sent to your door? See if you can change this by signing up for emails instead. Saving on a lot of un-wanted, and un-needed paper waste.

Avoid food wasting

Try and start a new weekend ritual by creating a delicious dinner with all the left over veg in your fridge. That way, you don’t have to waste good food, just because it’s starting to go a little squidgy or brown. As long as it’s not mouldy - you’r good to go! And, when you go shopping, try and opt for unpackaged fruit and veg, this way it saves on all the completely unnecessary plastic packaging that will eventually end up in landfills.


Do you have a garden? If so, why not try Composting? It's good for the environment and good for your garden. You could designate a specific area in your garden to put all your garden waste, fruit peels, and uneaten food. After a while, you'll be able to use it to fertilise your garden. It’s a win, win!

What do you try to do to look after our planet? We’d love to hear your ideas! NN, x