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Celebrating Earth Day

Earth Day is an annual event that is celebrated all over the world with events that are held to demonstrate support for environmental protection. Earth Day Network’s mission is to diversify, educate and activate the environmental movement worldwide. Working with more than 50,000 partners in nearly 192 countries it hopes to build environmental democracy. Read on to find out ways you can celebrate Earth Day, and start protecting the environment.


Waste, has a huge negative impact on the natural environment. Harmful chemicals and greenhouse gasses are released from rubbish in landfill sites. Recycling helps to reduce the pollution caused by waste as recycling reduces the need for raw materials, which ensures that the rainforests can then be preserved.

Invest In A Reusable Coffee Cup

A reusable cup is around the same price for a couple of lattes, and you get the added benefit of saving money on your morning coffee. A lot of coffee shops give a small discount if you turn up with your own coffee cup. This new habit could save 5 cups and lids over the course of a work week, which equates to around 300 over the course of a year! Another small change that has a big impact.

Invest in a reusable water bottle

For the same reasons above, having a reusable water is not only a stylish way to drink, but you are saving yourself a lot of money on buying water, but also reducing the amount of plastic you consume and less plastic waste that usually ends up dumped in the ocean. There are a lot of brands that sell really stylish and cool bottle designs. My personal favourite is the Rose Gold one by Chillys!


Make an effect to turn off appliances at the wall when you are not using them and/or switching off lights when you leave the room. It sounds really simple but it still takes a conscious effort. When you consume less power, you reduce the amount of toxic fumes released by power plants, help conserve the earth’s natural resources and help protect ecosystems from destruction. By doing this you can contribute to a healthier and happier world. You could also start a ‘no tech’ day, and aim to have the TV switched off all day. Spend that extra time connecting with nature - take a long walk, get some fresh air and appreciate the natural environment surrounding you. You could even take the family for a picnic in the park.

Get Planting

Today’s the day to take the plunge and create a veggie patch. You’ll not only be eliminating the carbon emissions that are involved in getting produce to plate, you’ll also be able to enjoy fresh, organic produce whilst saving some money. If you find the idea of a veggie patch daunting or if you have limited outdoor space, you could start by planting some fresh herbs or a couple of lettuces in a bucket.

Don’t drive

Today is the best day to not get into your car, and walk or cycle instead. Or if you do need to drive to get to work, try car sharing or even public transport. Tiny little changes like this can really help the environment and the planet.


Making the effort to put reusable shopping bags in your car (or in your bag) could start a new habit that would reduce the use of plastic bags. I’m sure I don’t need to mention how horrid they are for the environment.

There are so many handy reusable bags that fold up to a teeny tiny size, making earth-friendly shopping easy and convenient. If you don’t want to spend money on reusable bags, take an extra backpack or duffel bag and leave those plastic bags behind.


Some of us love meat, some of us detest it, and some of us just go along with the flow with whatever we fancy. Today why not make a conscious choice to say no to meat and try some of the delicious veggie options out there. You can also check out our previous blog post for some Plant Based recipe inspo! The excessive demand for meat creates an excessive strain on environmental resources, and the more we ask for, the more our planet suffers. If you really can’t go without meat for a whole day, at least commit to having one of your meals today be a vegetarian meal.