Self Care Ideas

We can all find ourselves being our own toughest critic or feeling overwhelmed with life’s stresses so it’s important to take a step back and to start making changes to our mental and physical well being. Here are a few tips on how to start being kinder to yourself.


5 top tips for self care

  1. Focus on the here and now. It can be so easy to become absorbed into the digital world and lose sight of what is physically around you. Switch your phone on silent and take in your surroundings. Sometimes taking a deep breath and clearing your mind to focus can really help you gain a more positive perspective.

  2. Letting go of what you cant change. One big thing that can allow you to feel free and happier to move forward with a positive mindset is by accepting the things that you cant control, and realising the best thing to do is just let it go…

  3. Remind yourself to be thankful. Everyday think about something that you are grateful for and cherish in your life and write it down in a note pad, whether that is the friends you have or a family member, it can reinforce the positive things in your life and make you feel supported and loved.

  4. Go outside for a walk . Although it sounds cliché, stepping outside and breathing in the fresh air can really boost your endorphins and revitalise your mind. Go to the shops and buy yourself a new dress, or treat yourself to your yummy coffee while you read in your favourite book shop.

  5. Create a cosy space for yourself. It’s okay to do something for yourself and not feel guilty or selfish. Often cleaning your room and buying a new plant can really create a utopia that you feel safe and happy in.

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Music for the mind

Music can be a great mood booster, it can brighten your mood if you are feeling in a low place. If you looking to feel completely relaxed it is important to switch off and unwind to songs that you love and that fill you with a sense of comfort.
Spotify is usually a go to for pre made playlists that you can easily find and listen too. Music can be especially helpful in boosting your productivity levels too such as when you want to exercise and go to the gym , or just generally when you are out and about walking.

YOU are a priority

It is important to fill your day will things that make YOU feel good and can turn your day into a success. Ultimately only YOU are able to make yourself truly happy and content, so start taking care of yourself.

LifestyleAlex Podd