Music festivals are one of our favourite ways to spend a long summer weekend; good music, good friends and all the good times. Whether you’re off to a one day stint like Lovebox, Wireless or Citadel or a weekend extravaganza (we’re talking Reading & Leeds, Glasto, Boardmasters), we’ve compiled a list of everything you need to know before heading off, so that you can enjoy the perfect summers day and make it a weekend to remember. Are you heading to a festival this year? ? If so, what are your tips?


The Survival Kit

External phone battery

Lost your friends? Need to text your SO? Want to upload to Insta but your phones died? The best advice is to take a portable charger with you so that you can keep your phone alive without missing out on any fun. You can also keep snapping away loads of photo’s for your blog/insta/to show your mum. Most festivals these days offer on-site charging points, but the que will be massive so it’s just easier to bring your own.

Pack Yeti & the Fox

Yeti & The Fox is an innovative hangover brand that speeds up the breakdown of toxins in the liver, replenishing glutathione levels allowing those who have consumed alcohol to continue fighting toxins from alcohol and helping them to avoid hangovers. Perfect for a festival so that you can keep enjoying your weekend without a headache getting in your way. Of course, we don’t recommend getting off your face the whole time, but enjoy yourself and know that Yeti & The Fox has your back. Visit yetiandthefox.com to order or for more info

Eat at least one solid meal

Dancing around and raving all day and night takes up a lot of energy, so you wanna make sure you eat properly. Make sure you eat a substantial dinner with carbs in it to keep you full before heading out to dance the night away… Also, snacks are always a good idea. Carry around cereal bars or nuts for whenever you start to feel peckish.

Wear Sunscreen

This is an obvious - You don’t want to get burnt on your first day there and ruin your whole experience. It would be miserable and a complete waste of a good weekend. Keep yourself protected and drink loads of water to prevent any illness’ or sunstroke or any other nasty sun-related illness. Even if the weather is forecast for rain or is cloudy, wear cream juuuust incase the sun pops through.

Take Wet Wipes

They are the most versatile festival item, you can freshen up your feet and armpits, clean mud from you body/phone screen/legs/shoes, wipe down a toilet seat, clean your hands before eating. Carry them with you at all times!!



Weekend Festival Packing List


Festival ticket
Reusable water bottle
Sun tan lotion (at least Factor 30!)
Anti-bacterial hand-wash
Wet wipes
Imodium (because…portaloo fear)
Good quality sleeping bag
A bigger tent than you thought you’d need
Bum bag
Yeti & The Fox
Ear plugs so you can catch up on some zzz’s
Portable battery
Stylish, but comfy clothes

Love NN, xx

Lifestyle, ClientsAlex Podd