Body Confidence Tips

  1. List all the cool shit your body has helped you do.

    Instead of looking in the mirror and thinking about everything you really don’t like about your body, make a conscious effort to thank all those parts for what they allow you to do. Your legs allow you to walk, run, dance, get to places, see your friends and move. Your arms let you hug your children or your bestfriend or you dog, they also let you enjoy delicious food and wine. Your stomach allows you to have children, it allows you to get out of bed every morning and follow your dreams, it keeps you strong and allows you to stand up tall.

  2. Do nice stuff for yourself

    You know, get yourself a mani, enjoy a glass of wine with your fav programme, take yourself on a long walk or a weekend away, surround yourself with people who make you feel good, eat your favourite desert and enjoy every single mouthful.

  3. Adopt affirmations 

    Tell yourself 3 positive affirmations EVERY day in the mirror and see how your life changes. Here are a few examples

    I can do anything I set my mind to

    I am beautiful, loved and loving

    Today will be an amazing day

    I love my life and everything I have in it, including the hard times.

  4. Talk to yourself the way you would your BFF

    If your best friend didn’t get a job, would you tell her she was a failure? If she ate one too many cookies, would you tell her she fat, worthless and didn’t deserve happiness? If she skipped the gym to take time to sleep in, would you tell her she has no motivation, will never change and is a bad person? No, you wouldn't. And you absolutely should not say that to yourself either! You are trying your hardest, you are doing the best that you can and make sure you remind yourself that. Give your beautiful self a break.

  5. A beautiful thing is NEVER perfect

    Perfection is boring, and not possible. Being happy with your body doesn’t mean that everything is perfect. It simply means you’ve chosen to embrace your imperfections. Every day practice looking at yourself in the mirror and being grateful for the body you have. It’s an incredibly powerful exercise and sends all the right kind of empowering messages to your brain.

  6. To wish you were somebody else is a waste of the beautiful soul you are.

    Every single one of us is unique. Allow yourself to fall in love with that and remember that we are all different so there is no point in comparing yourself to other women. The only thing you should be comparing yourself with is yourself yesterday. Do something everyday that brings you closer to your dreams, your happiness or your self love and wellness goals. Don’t give in to an inferiority complex, or let your body confidence become dependent on those around you. Remember too, you never really know what others are thinking; they could be looking at you wishing they had your legs, stomach and bottom.

  7. Incorporate Assome into your skincare regime




A few other little reminders and things to do!

Learning something new, mastering a personal challenge & conquering fears aids self-confidence. For me, it's linked to self-worth.

Run! By the end of a long run, you don't care what anyone else thinks or how you look: you only care about what you've achieved.

Find exercise you enjoy and GO FOR IT.

Practice self-compassion! It trumps self-esteem & inspires body confidence from within

Unfollow people on social media who make you feel crap about your body