Morning Rituals

It’s no secret that a morning ritual is extremely beneficial for not only your physical body, but for your emotional and spiritual well-being and productivity levels too. Whether you prefer a simple, calming start to your day which includes writing, meditating and a morning coffee, or prefer a vigorous workout and a yummy breaky that gives you the energy to battle your to do list.

According to the science of Ayurveda, if you wake up an hour and a half, or at least 20 minutes before the sun rises, you experience “special energy in the air”. And this special energy makes it easier to get out of bed, as opposed to waiting until after the sun rises, which can make you feel lethargic. This pre-sunrise time, which is referred to as Brahma-muhurata (“the time of Brahma”), is said to be when “hope, inspiration, and peace” are manifested in the universe.

Read on for our favourite morning rituals we either currently include, or are starting to include. How do you like to start your morning?

Wake up earlier

The advantages to waking up earlier are usually pretty obvious. Not only do you gain more time to do things that you really want to do, like exercise, but you also gain more time to be with yourself to reflect, meditate, or carry other morning rituals that help you get into a good state of mine for the day. A lot of people find that they are more productive in the early hours of the day. It’s also been shown that sleeping early and waking up early helps that body attune with the earth’s circadian rhythms which helps promote more restorative sleep.

Practise mindfulness or meditation

Drink Water with lemon

The first thing you should reach for in the morning should be warm water, you’ve probably heard the saying, hydrate before you caffeinate… and it’s so true and so good for you. According to Ayurveda, the first thing you drink in the morning sets the entire tone for your day. So by drinking choosing to drink warm water with lemon juice not only helps stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, it also gives you a boost of vitamins and minerals which are very beneficial for digestion too. And drinking regular cold water helps promote a sustained flow of blood to your skin and releases toxins from your system. Once you’ve done this, now you can enjoy every single sip of your morning coffee!

Write your journal

Writing a journal is great for setting intentions, getting everything off your mind onto paper and rationalising your thoughts, feelings and emotions, so that you’re ready to face and enjoy your day with a clear mind. It’s a great place to make sense of what is going on in your head so that you can start your day with a clear and empty(er) mind. It’s a place that won’t judge you, no matter what you’re thinking. You can also express gratitude through writing, by writing down all the things you are grateful for and appreciate.

Express gratitude

Grateful for your bed? Say thank you. Grateful for your job? Say thank you. Grateful for your body and what it allows you to do? Say thank you. Grateful that you have a roof over your head? Say thank you. Grateful for your relationships? Say thank you. No matter how big or small, say thank you.

Say your affirmations

Every morning, tell yourself something positive. Remind yourself that you are beautiful. Remind yourself that you are strong.You are loved. You are funny. You are passionate. You are creative. You are O.K. You are wonderful. Even if you don’t believe it at the current time, telling yourself the same thing every day will eventually change your mindset until you start to believe how amazing, beautiful and strong you really are. You deserve to be reminded!

Eat a healthy breaky

As Oprah Winfrey once said "No one would ever mistake me for an expert on engines, but I know one thing: They don't work without fuel. Our bodies are the same way, which is why I'm passionate about breakfast.” It’s important to break the fast in the morning, so a breaky filled with healthy fats, protein and carbs will set you up with all the energy you need for the day.

Now go smash your day!

NN, x

WellbeingAlex Podd