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Borders are reopening are people are flocking to the airport to catch that flight to the country they have been desperately dreaming about over lockdown. But procedures have changed, and flights will be slightly different to ensure the virus is kept at bay.

Here are the ways that travelling abroad has changed and what to expect…

 Face Coverings

All Passengers over 11 now have to wear a face mask in terminal buildings and on the plane itself.

Protective screens

You will notice many protective screens set up around the airport. These will be at check-in, boarding and at gates. This will help protect you and the airline staff.

Hand sanitising stations & ‘PPE bins’

There will be hand sanitiser stations placed around the entire airport to encourage everyone to wash their hands regularly to keep everyone flying in and out of the country safe. There will also be PPE bins provided for throwing away face coverings and gloves.

Seating arrangements

Seating arrangements will have changed so that social distancing can occur, but it will still be possible for families and groups who are travelling together to sit together.

Temperature checking

Some airports are trailing temperature checking in some of their arrival terminals and check-ins. Although when you travel you might not come across this as it is not yet fully implemented and Is only on a trial basis.


Before travelling you should find out if the country you are visiting requires a 14-day quarantine when you return or not. There are many countries on the Air Corridor list where self-isolation is not required. If you are unsure take a look at the Government website. But remember isolation periods can be implemented whenever, so make sure you are prepared to isolate when you return if anything changes.

Flying can be a scary thought for most, even on a good day. But, expectedly with coronavirus in the mix, the fear can be even worse. Here are some tips to get through the flight so you can enjoy your long-awaited holiday…

1. Buy a cotton mask: These masks make breathing so much easier and they don’t get as stuffy, and there is nothing worse than being stuck on a flight with a stuffy mask. These masks extremely cheap and can be bought from almost anywhere.

2. Find a distraction: While you are on the plane it can be easy for your mind to wander and this might be where you will begin to think about the worries you may be having. Take a good book or listen to your favourite podcast. Before you know it, you would have landed!

3. Carry your own sanitiser: Although this one may be obvious; it is always a step that can be easily forgotten. Although the airport will be fully equipped with hand sanitising stations, it will give you peace of mind to know you have your own one. I would recommend buying a scented sanitiser because I find it makes cleaning your hands so much more appealing.

4. Bring some disinfecting wipes: The aircraft will be cleaned after every flight following PPE guidelines but if you are nervous about catching the virus it might be a good idea to bring some disinfecting wipes. You can use them on the table tray and on bathroom doors to make sure you know they are 100% clean.