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With 2020 finally over it is now time for a fresh start and what better way to get you into the positive mindset than having a big declutter. I personally feel so much more positive if the space I am living in is tidy. 


If you still live at home or are at university, your bedroom holds all your belongings which can easily get so cluttered trying to squeeze your life all into one room! I always find it best to start by clearing the floor and separating everything into piles whether it be rubbish, clothes, accessories etc. By making piles and clearing the floor, automatically helps make tackling the mess a lot more manageable.

Start with clothes, decide whether you are going to keep it, sell it or donate to charity. A good way to decide whether to get rid of clothes is whether you have worn them within the last year, if not you probably wont any time soon and is better to get rid of them, rather than just holding up space. You can even sell your clothes on sites such as Depop and Ebay, this is a great source for some extra cash and is a great way to sustainably recycle old clothes.  

If you are lacking storage space for all your clothes you could separate your clothes into seasons, keeping one season in your wardrobe and the other stored elsewhere (garage, loft, under the bed). This makes it easier to see the clothes you have for that time of year and freeing space so it is less cramped. You can place you clothes into vacuum bags that will enable your clothes to stay nice and fresh while condensing them down making them easy to store. 

Another great thing to do in your bedroom or in another room of your house, is organising those dreaded messy drawers! I don’t know about you, but as soon as I’ve tidied and cleaned up a drawer, within 2 days it’s messy again. The struggle is REAL. But, there are options. You can buy drawer organisers, which helps the mess be a little more organised and a lot easier for you to find anything in there. You can buy these off Amazon and Ikea for very little, they sell lots of other organising products which can be very useful throughout your home.


Makeup can be something we have a lot of, which piles up and may not use. Such as products that didn’t work for you or they have gone out of date. It is really important to ensure that your makeup hasn’t gone out of date to avoid infection and possible skin breakouts. Makeup expiration is something people forget about because it is not that obvious. It says on the bottom of the product what looks like a pot open with 1m or 8m etc. This stands for, once the product is opened you have for example 8m – 8 months to use it by. 


If you live in a house the place which is often neglected is the kitchen. Which is strange considering eating is such a huge part of our days, and our culture. There really isn’t nothing better than cooking a delicious meal, and then enjoying it with your loved ones. One place that is usually overlooked is the kitchen cupboards. Once you close those cupboard you can’t see the mess, it’s a typical out of sight, out of mind scenario! So how about going through and removing anything that is broken or chipped (plates, glasses, bowls etc) and anything you may have multiples of which you just do not need. The less you have the easier it is to tidy and remain tidy. Next go through all your ambient foods, these can easily be forgotten about and you may have a few products which you don’t use and could be out of date. Here you are also able to see what products you have that you may have forgotten about and this can give you some inspiration for some future meals. Lastly the fridge, this is a dreaded task but going through your fridge and throwing out things which are out of date and then cleaning. It is important to clean your fridge as it holds all your food and could be holding on to some nasty bacteria.


Bathroom cupboards can fill up very easily and can become very messy. A good way to organise them and give a bit more of a girly touch is that you can buy off Amazon products that hold you cotton buds and cotton pads to make them more easily accessible. Also, a must is to go through your skincare and other bottles and products that you may have tried and not quite liked, or no longer grab for and throw them away. This making it easier for you to see what you have. 

Decluttering should never be overlooked with how beneficial it can be mentally, it can be very soothing to sit and go through belongs while having the radio on, a podcast or Netflix in the background. The outcome being so rewarding and easier to manage the mess we all create! Once you have tidied and cleaned from top to bottom it is easier also to clean more as you go – which can of course be easier said than done with our busy lives!

*All images from Pinterest*