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Burn Out: How Not Too in January

January, the start of a new year, and I’m sure that most of us are so glad to see the end of 2020. As terrible as the last year was, it came with plenty of lessons. We all learned to slow down, to look after ourselves, to hone in with intuitive and learn about what we really, truly want with our lives. It also gave us time… so much time. Sometimes this was a blessing, but most of the time it came with challenges. It was also a year where most of us struggled with some sort of loneliness, and a lot of us battled with mental health problems that we never even realised we had. It was a year of learning, listening, healing and most importantly, growing.

It’s so, so, so important that after the busy Christmas period and with most of us heading back to the realities of work, college and uni, to ensure that we create a good work-life balance and to not overwork ourselves.  You are more likely to be more productive if you allow yourself time to recharge, than overworking and crashing.

“Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.” 

One great way to not overwork yourself is by making a strict schedule of when you work and have time too wind down and relax. Having this allotted slot of time everyday is so important to be able to fully detach and do something you enjoy. During this time, it is crucial to turn your work phone off, switch off your emails, and try to not look at anything work-related. Trust us, we know how hard this can be, as two self employed gals it can sometimes feel almost impossible to switch off. But you’re not having downtime if you are still thinking about work. This time allows you to sit and relax, think, rest and rejuvenate. Maybe while watching a favourite series or movie, with a glass of wine or kombucha.

Another very useful tool is to make lists and then prioritise what needs to be done. We have found this to be a game change. It can become very overwhelming when having so much to do; factoring in work, childcare, working out, looking after our bodies, making food, getting fresh air, seeing friends. It can sometimes feel completely overwhelming and hard to even know where to even start.

So, we challenge you to write it all down into a list and then rank the importance and when this work, or task needs to be completed. Remind yourself that sometimes it is just not humanly possible to complete everything within a day, and that there is always tomorrow. This list allows you to figure out a plan of when you will do the work and over what days, keeping you organised and on top of it all. It will also allow you to factor in your hobbies, down time, self-care and movement. Then once you have ticked off your list for the day you can relax knowing you have achieved what you wanted to. You’ve got this, girl!

Getting enough sleep is crucial to let your body recharge from the day. Try to ensure you have at least 8-9 hours of sleep every night. Your body will be very grateful for. Our favourite tried and tested tips to ensure a good night's sleep is firstly, don’t sit scrolling on your phone before bed. Instead try to read a book, listen to a podcast or fall asleep to the sound of rain, white noise or your fav meditation playlist.

It has been proven multiple times that the blue light given off from your screen suppresses melatonin, a hormone that controls your sleep, which makes it harder for you to get to sleep and get up in the morning. If you struggle to sleep think of looking into purchasing a pillow spray, which can help calm you, an eye mask, which enables you have complete darkness (this is especially good if you’re lucky enough to sleep in a sun-filled room), and keep all distractions and noise out of your room, as this may keep you up. 

Exercise is an amazing way to distract you and relive stress. Whether you favour a simple walk round the block, prefer a slow, toning pilates class or favour a sweaty HIIT working, working out is so important. Remember to find something that you and your body loves. Exercise shouldn’t be a punishment, it should be a way to thank your body and a way to get those endorphins flowing.

Now that we are in the thick of winter, where most of the day feels dark and we spend all our time cooped up indoors, it is important to get some fresh air and move that beautiful body of ours. This will make a massive difference to your whole mood and uplift you. If you are more athletic you could go for a run on your lunch break, or if you need some extra help with flexibility and relaxing, how about practising some yoga. It does not need to be high intensity, anything is better than nothing, the simplicity of going outside and getting some fresh air is something never to be overlooked or underestimated. 

Most importantly, during these strange and hard times please remember to be kind to yourself. We were not made to just work! If you need an extra hour in bed, that’s ok! Let yourself sleep. If you don’t complete all your work or need a day off, that’s ok too! Taking some time off will help your productivity in the long run.

Don’t be too hard on yourself as self-care is so important. It will enable you to not burn out and to allow you to be as productive as you can be in the long run. You’ve got this, you’re doing amazing!

NN, x