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Tips for a good nights sleep

There’s nothing better than climbing into bed after a long, productive day and escaping the world with a good book, your favourite TV show and your fav cup of herbal tea, to then wake up in the morning feeling refreshed, cozy and ready to conquer the day. But how often does that actually happen for you? If you’re finding it hard to nod off, or to stay asleep all night long then try these tips out and see whether you notice any changes.

What tips do you use for a sweet slumber?

Happy Beds are committed to giving your body the best night’s sleep it deserves. Proudly made in Britain, Happy Beds support their local economy and strive to keep spending costs low. Happy Beds is here to provide lost cost-high quality beds, mattresses and bedroom furniture. If you’re in need of a stylish bed, a comfy mattress, or some new furniture, check them out!

  1. Have a tidy room

    We’ve all heard the saying, tidy room > tidy mind. And a tidy mind means a relaxed and peaceful mindset that will allow you to drift off easily. Studies have shown that having a tidy bedroom means a better sleep. Putting clean laundry away, doing the washing, changing your sheets, keeping your room dust free and hoovering are all things that can be done on a daily basis in under 30 minutes and it makes you room a much nicer place to be in. If you do it every day it won’t build up into a long weekend chore. So, what are you waiting for?

  2. Find your ideal temperature

    Some people prefer sleeping in a cooler room with a big thick duvet where as some people prefer sleeping in a warmer room with a fan on and a single sheet to give them a bit of comfort. It’s good to figure out what temperature works best for you, but studies suggest that the optimum temperature for your bedroom should be somewhere between 18 and 24°C. So you should be able to find your sweet spot.

  3. Invest in a good bed

    Buying a bed can be an expensive investment. However, considering you need to sleep every night and want a cozy and comfortable bed, it probably is something that is worth investing in. HappyBeds have a great range of wonderful beds that can fit in no matter your budget and preferred style.

  4. Have the right mattress

    Finding your dream comfy mattress can be a bit of a long-winded task. But having something that’s comfortable and doesn’t leave you with neck or back ache every morning is so worth it. Think about some of the places you’ve had the best sleeps in, and find out what type of mattress it was. Was it a spring-based mattress or a memory foam? Happy Beds have a brilliant selection of mattress. Check them out here.

  5. No tech 1 hour before bed

    When it’s light, our bodies produce a hormone called serotonin which helps us feel alert, but when it’s dark, our bodies naturally produce a hormone called melatonin, which helps us feel relaxed and sleepy. ‘Blue light’, which is transmitted and given off by all technology such as phones, iPads, laptops etc, is one of the worst things for stopping melatonin naturally being produced which in turn makes it very hard to fall asleep. In a perfect world, it would be great to switch off all technology at least one hour before bed, however sometimes that isn’t possible. You can purchase glasses that block the blue light transmitting into your brain, which is good for use every now and then. But if you can, try it for a week and see whether your sleep improves.

  6. Read a book

    There’s no better way to wind down then by reading a good book. Opt for something that isn’t intellectually stimulating or a thriller that will keep you up all night. Instead, choose a light hearted book that you can easily jump into that will send you off into a nice, deep sleep.

  7. Cut out afternoon caffeine

    Caffeine starts to work about 15 minutes after you drink it. The full effect takes about an hour to properly hit us, and takes between four to six hours to completely wear off. Even if you might not feel the caffeine affecting your body, it can still affect your sleep quality. So ideally aim to not drink any coffee or caffeinated drinks after 1pm. Stick to herbal teas, decaf tea or water. Your body will thank you tomorrow morning.

  8. Move that body of yours

    Exercising regularly is great for your mental and physical health as it relieves stress and anxiety, and helps use up excess energy that we have. It’s also great for helping you sleep, but exercising too close to bed time can cause issues with you falling to sleep peacefully. Aim to have your workout finish 3-4 hours before bedtime to give you body time to wind down and relax before drifting off.

  9. Have a warm bath, moisturise your skin and jump into that cozy bed of yours

    Not only does having a bath before bed relax us and allows our minds to calm down, but before we fall asleep our bodies core temperature decreases slightly. So when you have a warm bath, your body will naturally drop in temperature in response to the cooler air in your bedroom. Science suggests that when you get out of the bath, your body will artificially recreate the temperature drop that signals to our brain it’s bed time. And, not only that but you’re left with super soft skin feeling all pampered and beautiful and cozy, and if that doesn’t help you sleep - then what will!