How to Leave Your Job With Grace

So you’ve decided you want to leave your job but perhaps you are nervous about letting your employer down when you so desperately need that good recommendation.

We’ve shared four steps on proper etiquette for leaving your job whilst simultaneously keep your old boss happy!

1) Create a resignation ‘to-do’ list

Leaving a job may seem as simple as handing your notice in and heading on your way but there are actually a number of things you need to remember. Not only will you need to inform the right people but you’ll need to ask for certain bits and bobs from your employer - such as any overdue compensation, when your last pay check will be, about remaining vacation days you have left etc.

To keep on top of everything you need to complete, you should first create your to-do list (with a little help from this blog of course!).


2) Inform your superior that you are thinking about leaving

Before you hand in your formal notice of resignation, it’s a good idea that you have a face-to-face conversation with your superior. If you want to keep them sweet, then keep them informed! It will be hard-work filling those shoes of yours, so it’s nice to make sure that you are not leaving your job at an important or busy time when they might desperately need you. You can be firm in your decision whilst still being considerate of your old team.


3) Formal Notice

So you’ve written your list and you’ve had the chat, now it’s time to make it a reality. Different companies may require different periods of notice, it could be one week or two months! So double check how much notice you are required to give before leaving. Then write your letter or email, clearly stating you are planning to leave at that period. You can also thank the company for investing in you and all the other niceties.


4) Sweet Goodbyes

Now it’s time to bid farewells. Your last day is coming up and you are about to embark on a new adventure. Why not treat your old team or boss to their favourite bottle of vino and a good bye card. Not only will it make them feel warm and fuzzy inside but will probably benefit you should you need a favour in the future, whether it be for a reference or a networking opportunity. We absolutely adore these unique and fun cards available at:

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Alex Podd