Fair Trade Month 2018


October is Fair Trade Month 2018! 

Fair Trade Month aims to raise awareness of the reasons why fair trade is important, and to promote buying and using socially and commercially sustainable, fair trade products in place of commodities which may harm the environment, the economy, communities and disadvantaged individuals. This means putting the spotlight on challenges like child labour in cocoa, and celebrating the farms, factories and retailers that are doing things differently.

As we enter October, it’s a great time to learn a little more about fair trade and how we can integrate it into our daily lives:

What is Fair Trade?

Perhaps you are new to fair trade or simply interested in learning a bit more about what it is, how it works and why it matters. Ultimately, fair trade is about better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability, and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world. By requiring companies to pay sustainable prices, fair trade addresses the injustices of conventional trade, which traditionally discriminates against the poorest, weakest producers. It enables farmers and workers to take control of their future, make their own decisions and lead the dignified life everyone deserves.

Key Principles of Fair Trade:

  • Provide opportunities for economically disadvantage producers

  • Ensure producers receive fair payment that meets local living wage

  • No forced labour, No child labour

  • Ensure safe and healthy working conditions

  • Improve market access for producers and businesses

  • Environmental protection and climate change adaption

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How can I buy Fair Trade?

Interested in buying fair trade? It’s easy. There are over 4,500 Fair Trade products available in the UK, from fruit and vegetables to beauty products, simply look out for the Fair Trade mark when you next go shopping. The fair trade mark means that the ingredients in the product have been produced by small-scale farmer organisations that meet fair trade social, economic and environmental standards.

All major UK supermarkets stock fair trade products, making it easier than ever for you to live a truly fair trade lifestyle. Furthermore, you can find fair trade fruit, vegetables, flowers, sugar, cocoa, tea, coffee, spices, grains, sports balls, apparel, home decor, coconut, seafood and many other products from over 1,000 different companies worldwide. Did you know that one in three bananas bought in the UK is fair trade? Through simple shopping choices you can help farmers build a better quality of life for their families and communities.



Fair Trade doesn’t end in October!

Fair Trade month raises awareness about what fair trade means and why it’s important, but it doesn’t end in October! It equips us with knowledge and advice to bring fair trade into our daily lives through October and beyond. Regardless of what month it is, Fair Trade invites us to ask questions about our products, where they came from and who produced them. It encourages us to be more conscious about how we spend our money, every time we shop, and become a little more aware of the world we want to leave behind for the generations to follow.

Happy Fair Trade Month!

Alex Podd