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Self Care In Quarantine

Throughout this experience, it’s important to try and stay positive as being in self-isolation can be detrimental to your mind if you don’t take care of yourself. Self-care should become an absolute non-negotiable in your daily routines and practises. How you view this time and this experience will determine the person you become in a few months. Even if you’re taking a break from work and just focusing on improving your internal and personal wellbeing, improving yourself is always a win. Here are 15 things you can do that looks after your mind, body and soul whilst at home whether you’re on lockdown, self isolating or practising social distancing.

  1. Take an online class

    Now is the perfect time to set aside a chunk of your day to finally take that online class you’ve been meaning to do for ages. Platforms like Skillshare offer 2 month free trials, so make the most of that and get learning. You’ll leave Quarantine with new skills that you can put into practise with your job or new venture.

  2. Indulge in that book you’ve been meaning to read in forever

    Get lost in a book, take some time to read and do nothing else. Find your favourite book and immerse yourself with the characters and really get into the story. It could be a novel or non-fiction, it really doesn’t matter. As long as you enjoy it and it gives you some time to wind down and escape from everything that is going on.

  3. Disconnect from the noise

    Try to limit the amount of time you spend watching the news, scrolling through Social Media or reading emails, and make it a priority to not do those things before bed. Consuming excessive content like that adds to your fear, stress, and anxiety. There really is a fine line between staying up to date and informed, and becoming obsessed. Give yourself some time to disconnect: switch your phone off, create a calm space, light some candles and listen to calming music which will help your mindset.

  4. Rearrange your room/apartment/house

    Everything feels pretty out of control at the moment, but try and focus on the things you can control - like how clean, tidy, and calming your space is, or can be. Make a ritual to spend 30 minutes every day tidying up after yourself and cleaning so that you always have a nice space to work, exercise and relax in. Feng Shui is a great practise you could start looking into - essentially, it teaches us that the energy in your home is important for increasing the vibrations of happiness, love and wealth. Rearranging furniture, decor, products etc can help create a new flow.

  5. Journal

    A lot of people are struggling at the moment, which is not surprising considering everything that is going on - there’s naturally a lot of emotions, feelings, anxieties, fear and stress etc. One way to help combat this is by writing it all down. If you’re not familiar with doing this, start by doing ‘Morning Pages’, where you pretty much write down everything that is on your mind. There’s no judgement. You don’t have to read it back, you don’t need to show anyone, you don’t even really need to think about it - it’s just a way to get everything off your mind and onto paper where it seems easier to deal with.

  6. Do an apartment friendly workout

    Get sweating! It’s important to continue taking care of your physical wellbeing whilst being at home. There are plenty of indoor workouts on Instagram/Youtube/Fitness Apps (Tone it Up are offering 1 month free and their app is fab!). However, don’t feel pressurised to do this all the time - it’s important to listen to your body and do what feels right, but do try to workout 1-2 times a week, it will really help your mental health and how you feel by release some endorphins.

  7. Meditate

    Adding onto the previous point, as important it is to take care of your physical wellbeing, it’s equally, if not more important, to take care of your mental heath. With everything going on, naturally we feel more stressed and anxious. Try going within to learn more about yourself and things that are greater than you. There are plenty of youtube videos and apps that can help show you what to do, or you can start by doing Silent Meditations. Spend some time researching to see what you think aligns with what you need.

  8. Get creative or practise a hobby

    For some strange reason, hobbies always seem to get pushed to the bottom of our priority list, when really, they are so important for our happiness and self-growth! What’s the one thing you love doing that brings you so much joy, but you haven’t spent much time doing recently? Well, now’s the time to get involved and start doing it. Make it a priority to do something that brings you joy - it’s what you need and deserve at the moment.

  9. Improve your cooking skills

    Think of one of your favourite meals that you love eating when you head to a restaurant, and then try to learn how to make that! Search online for recipes - the Internet is filled with them. Who knows, you might come out of Quarantine ready to apply for Masterchef!

  10. Take a million bubble baths

    Treat. Yo. Self. Run a bath, fill it with bubbles, light all the candles, do a face mask, make a cup of tea or a glass one wine, pick your favourite book, or your favourite TV show, and just soak. Simple.

  11. Catch up on your favourite TV show

    Now really is the time to watch feel-good TV shows like Friends, The Office, Queer Eye etc. They make you laugh, they sometimes make you cry, but most of all, they make you feel good and there has never been a better time for countless DUVET DAYS!

  12. Have a self care afternoon with @assome

    Lauren, from Lauren Den recently tried out Assome, and we loved what she wrote: “There’s never been a better time to start practicing self-care during these uncertain and worrying times. I encourage you all to take a break from the noise of the virus - your body and mind deserve some rest. One place to start is looking after your body skin more and this is something I have been seriously neglecting since becoming a mother. 
    I started using my Assome! ultrasonic massager again (I stopped whilst pregnant and breastfeeding) to reduce the appearance of the dreaded orange peel. Sadly, there is no quick fix or miracle cure for cellulite, but using this incredible beauty tech device at home three times a week has visibly improved the overall texture and firmness of my skin. “

  13. Indulge in your skincare

    Give you skin some extra loving. Use your oils, moisturise, do face masks and make that glow happen. Replenish your skin with all the nutrients and minerals it needs. If you have problem skin, really focus on trying to reduce inflammations by using products that contain Tea Tree, or try using Sudocream - I find that to be really good for reducing acne scarring. If your skin is dry, invest in a really good moisturiser that includes Hylaronic Acid and let that your skin drink it up. When your skin feels beaut, you feel beaut ✨

  14. Make playlists

    Listen to music, find new artists, and create playlists for every mood. Songs to listen to before bed? You made it. A playlist to dance to? Yep, you’ve got one for that. Songs to read too, meditate too, cry too, work too - whatever mood your feeling, find songs that resonate with that and get creative on Spotify! You can also make them public so other people can listen to them too.

  15. Do what your soul needs

    Most importantly, there is no pressure at the moment. As we’ve already said, it’s a tricky time at the moment and there is no pressure to get work done or feel like you’re bossing it. If all you need right now is days watching Netflix and Facetiming your family and friends and napping, then go for it. If you want to use this time to get ahead of the game and start putting ideas in place for once this is all over, then do it. Do whatever your soul and heart needs. Listen to your heart, body and soul and do whatever you need.

Love the NN team, x